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NFPA 20: Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, 2025
- Important Notices and Disclaimers
- Additional Important Notices and Disclaimers
- Chapter 1 Administration [Go to Page]
- 1.1 Scope.
- 1.2 Purpose.
- 1.3 Application.
- 1.4 Retroactivity.
- 1.5 Equivalency.
- 1.6 Units.
- Chapter 2 Referenced Publications [Go to Page]
- 2.1 General.
- 2.2 NFPA Publications.
- 2.3 Other Publications.
- 2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
- Chapter 3 Definitions [Go to Page]
- 3.1 General.
- 3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
- 3.3 General Definitions.
- Chapter 4 General Requirements [Go to Page]
- 4.1 Pumps.
- 4.2 Approval Required.
- 4.3 Pump Operation.
- 4.4 Fire Pump Unit Performance.
- 4.5 Certified Shop Test.
- 4.6 Liquid Supplies.
- 4.7 Pumps, Drivers, and Controllers.
- 4.8 Self-Regulating Variable Speed Fire Pump Units.
- 4.9 Multistage Multiport Pump.
- 4.10 Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities.
- 4.11 Nameplate.
- 4.12 Pressure Gauges.
- 4.13 Circulation Relief Valve.
- 4.14 Equipment Protection.
- 4.15 Pipe and Fittings.
- 4.16 Suction Pipe and Fittings.
- 4.17 Discharge Pipe and Fittings.
- 4.18 Valve Supervision.
- 4.19 Protection of Piping Against Damage Due to Movement.
- 4.20 Main Relief Valves for Centrifugal Pumps.
- 4.21 Pumps Arranged in Series.
- 4.22 Water Flow Test Devices.
- 4.23 Steam Power Supply Dependability.
- 4.24 Shop Tests.
- 4.25 Pump Shaft Rotation.
- 4.26 Other Signals.
- 4.27 Pressure Maintenance (Jockey or Make-Up)Jockey Pumps.
- 4.28 Summary of Centrifugal Fire Pump Data.
- 4.29 Backflow Preventers and Check Valves.
- 4.30 Earthquake Protection.
- 4.31 Packaged Fire Pump Assemblies.
- 4.32 Pressure Actuated Controller Pressure Sensing Lines.
- 4.33 Break Tanks.
- 4.34 Field Acceptance Test of Pump Units.
- 4.35 Automated Inspection, Testing, and Distance Monitoring of Devices, Meters, and Equipment.
- Chapter 5 Fire Pumps for High-Rise Buildings [Go to Page]
- 5.1 General.
- 5.2 Equipment Access.
- 5.3 Water Supply Tanks.
- 5.4 Fire Pump Test Arrangement.
- 5.5 Alternate Power.
- 5.6 Very Tall Buildings.
- Chapter 6 Centrifugal Pumps [Go to Page]
- 6.1 General.
- 6.2 Factory and Field Performance.
- 6.3 Fittings.
- 6.4 Foundation and Setting.
- 6.5 Connection to Driver and Alignment.
- Chapter 7 Vertical Shaft Turbine–Type Pumps [Go to Page]
- 7.1 General.
- 7.2 Water Supply.
- 7.3 Pump.
- 7.4 Installation.
- 7.5 Driver.
- 7.6 Operation and Maintenance.
- Chapter 8 Positive Displacement Pumps [Go to Page]
- 8.1 General.
- 8.2 Foam Concentrate and Additive Pumps.
- 8.3 Water Mist System Pumps.
- 8.4 Water Mist Positive Displacement Pumping Units.
- 8.5 Fittings.
- 8.6 Pump Drivers.
- 8.7 Controllers.
- 8.8 Foundation and Setting.
- 8.9 Driver Connection and Alignment.
- 8.10 Flow Test Devices.
- Chapter 9 Electric Drive for Pumps [Go to Page]
- 9.1 General.
- 9.2 Normal Power.
- 9.3 Alternate Power.
- 9.4 Voltage Drop.
- 9.5 Motors.
- 9.6 On-Site Standby Generator Systems.
- 9.7 Junction Boxes.
- 9.8 Listed Electrical Circuit Protective System to Controller Wiring.
- 9.9 Raceway Terminations.
- Chapter 10 Electric-Drive Controllers and Accessories [Go to Page]
- 10.1 General.
- 10.2 Location.
- 10.3 Construction.
- 10.4 Components.
- 10.5 Starting and Control.
- 10.6 Controllers Rated 2.2–7.2 kV.
- 10.7 Limited Service Controllers.
- 10.8 Power Transfer for Alternate Power Supply.
- 10.9 Controllers for Additive Pump Motors.
- 10.10 Controllers with Variable Speed Pressure Limiting Control or Variable Speed Suction Limiting Control.
- Chapter 11 Diesel Engine Drive [Go to Page]
- 11.1 General.
- 11.2 Engines.
- 11.3 Pump Room.
- 11.4 Fuel Supply and Arrangement.
- 11.5 Engine Exhaust.
- 11.6 Diesel Engine Driver System Operation.
- Chapter 12 Engine Drive Controllers [Go to Page]
- 12.1 Application.
- 12.2 Location.
- 12.3 Construction.
- 12.4 Components.
- 12.5 Battery Recharging.
- 12.6 Battery Chargers.
- 12.7 Starting and Control.
- 12.8 Air-Starting Engine Controllers.
- Chapter 13 Steam Turbine Drive [Go to Page]
- 13.1 General.
- 13.2 Turbine.
- 13.3 Installation.
- Chapter 14 Acceptance Testing, Performance, and Maintenance [Go to Page]
- 14.1 Hydrostatic Tests and Flushing.
- 14.2 Field Acceptance Tests.
- 14.3 Record Drawings, Test Reports, Manuals, Special Tools, and Spare Parts.
- 14.4 Periodic Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance.
- 14.5 Component Replacement.
- Annex A Explanatory Material
- Annex B Possible Causes of Pump Troubles
- Annex C Fire Pump Room Connectivity
- Annex D Material Extracted by Article 695 of NFPA 70
- Annex E Informational References [Go to Page]