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, 2024
- ASHRAE Online Bookstore
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- ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111-2024 [Go to Page]
- Contents
- Foreword
- 1. Purpose
- 1.1 To provide uniform procedures for measurement, testing, adjusting, balancing, evaluating, and reporting the performance of building heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems in the field.
- 2. Scope
- 2.1 This standard applies to building heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems of the air- moving and hydronic types and their associated heat transfer, distribution, refrigeration, electrical power, and control subsystems.
- 2.2 This standard includes
- 2.3 This standard establishes
- 3. Definitions and Symbols
- 4. Instrumentation
- 4.1 Scope. This section covers the required instrumentation to obtain the measurements necessary for air or fluid system balancing as well as other instruments that are useful or necessary in special situations. Included for each instrument are a des...
- 4.2 General. Follow the instruments operating instructions and procedures for the application of these instruments for field measurements.
- 4.3 Calibration. Instruments shall be verified and calibrated by laboratories accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 9 over the intended operating range by comparison to a calibrated reference instrument. If the reading on the instrument to be verified is not w...
- 4.4 Air Balancing Instruments. The minimum required instruments for air balancing are as follows.
- 4.5 Pitot-Static Tubes
- 4.6 Digital Manometers
- 4.7 Tachometers
- 4.8 Combination Voltmeter and Ammeter
- 4.9 Three-Phase Electrical Power Meter
- 4.10 Thermometry (Dry-bulb and Wet-bulb)
- 4.11 Hygrometer
- 4.12 Digital Flow Capture Hood
- 4.13 Vane Anemometer
- 4.14 Thermal Anemometer—Single-Point
- 4.15 Other Measuring Instruments for Certain Situations, Air or Fluid Systems
- 4.16 Fluid Systems Measuring Instruments
- 5. Air System Measurement
- 5.1 Scope. This section sets forth techniques for the following:
- 5.2 General
- 5.3 Temperatures
- 5.4 Density
- 5.5 Pressure
- 5.6 Measurements. Ideally, fan pressure measurements should be made near the fan inlet and outlet in a long straight duct of uniform cross section. In practice, this condition seldom exists, and the readings may be highly influenced by irregular airf...
- 5.7 Flow Rate
- 5.8 Heat Content
- 5.9 Humidity
- 5.10 Fan Power Determination
- 6. Hydronic Systems
- 6.1 Design Requirements. Hydronic system testing, adjusting, and balancing specifications shall include by the system designer the following as minimum.
- 6.2 Design Guidance/System Effect
- 7. Hydronic Measurements
- 7.1 Scope
- 7.2 General
- 7.3 Temperatures
- 7.4 Fluid Properties
- 7.5 Pressure
- 7.6 Flow Rates
- 7.7 Pump Tests. Field tests of an installed pump should include the following.
- 7.8 Miscellaneous Pump Test Procedures
- 7.9 Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) on Hydronic Pumps
- 8. Air Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing
- 8.1 Scope. This section sets forth requirements for the following:
- 8.2 General. The requirements set forth in this section shall apply to both new and existing HVAC supply, return, and exhaust systems. The requirements of Section 4, “Instrumentation,” and Section 5, “Air Measurement,” shall apply as a minimu...
- 8.3 System Preparation
- 8.4 Air System Testing and Adjusting
- 8.5 Air System Balancing. Balance the air system by the procedure outlined below.
- 8.6 Air-Side Systems. In addition to the applicable procedures set forth in Sections 8.3, 8.4, and 8.5, the following air-side systems require additional balancing procedures.
- 8.7 Single-Duct, Pressure-Dependent Systems. All equipment in the system should be in operation before the TAB technician begins the procedure. All controls should be installed and operational.
- 8.8 Multizone Systems. All equipment in the system should be in operation before the test and balance technician begins the procedure. All controls should be installed and operational.
- 8.9 Single Duct, Fan-Powered Pressure-Dependent Systems
- 8.10 Dual-Duct, Pressure-Independent Systems
- 8.11 Laboratory Testing and Balancing
- 8.12 Verification of Control Operation
- 8.13 Variable-Frequency Drives (VFD) on Fan and Air-Handling Unit (AHU) Systems
- 9. Hydronic Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing
- 9.1 Scope. This section sets forth standard procedures for testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) hydronic systems, which include water, thermal transfer fluids, steam, and condensate.
- 9.2 General Requirements. The techniques set forth in this section shall apply to both new and existing systems. Unless otherwise noted, each subsection listed under Section 9 shall apply to all hydronic systems. Any deviation from the procedure set ...
- 9.3 Sequence of Procedures
- 9.4 Variable-Speed-Pump Systems
- 9.5 Primary-Secondary-Tertiary Pumping Systems
- 9.6 Verification of Control Operation
- 10. Equipment Field Testing
- 10.1 Scope
- 10.2 Refrigeration
- 10.3 Power Measurements
- 10.4 Cooling Towers for Water-Cooled Condensers
- 10.5 Centrifugal and Rotary Screw Chillers
- 11. Reporting Procedures and Forms
- 11.1 Scope
- 11.2 Reporting
- 12. Commissioning for Test and Balance
- 12.1 Commissioning is the process of verifying and documenting that the HVAC systems meet the requirements of the owner and the intentions of the design team. Commissioning should be implemented during the design phase and be carried through the occu...
- 12.2 An approved testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) report must be submitted to the commissioning provider. The balance report can be used for functional performance testing provided a control point verification is included.
- 12.3 If required by the specification, the TAB agency shall submit to the commissioning provider a TAB plan. This plan should describe the systems to be commissioned, the format for reporting, an approved instrument list with calibration dates, resum...
- 13. References
- Informative Appendix A: Informative References and Bibliography [Go to Page]
- A1. References
- A2. Bibliography
- Informative Appendix B: Sample Specification [Go to Page]
- B1. Scheduling and Readiness of Project [Go to Page]
- B1.1 Plan Review. Plans and specifications shall be reviewed prior to the installation or retrofit of any affected systems. A written report shall be submitted indicating any deficiencies in the system that would preclude the proper testing, adjustin...
- B1.2 Project Access. Access shall be provided to all work that will be concealed and that will require testing, balancing, and future maintenance.
- B2. Project Operational Status, Including Start-Up and/or Readiness for Testing Aid Balancing
- B3. Instrumentation Requirements
- B4. Installed Flowmeters and Measuring and Balancing Devices
- B5. Air Measurements
- B6. Air and Hydronic Balancing
- B8. Reporting Procedures and Forms
- B9. Variance from Balancing Criteria and Recommendations
- B10. Verification of Control Operation
- B11. Verification of Thermal Performance
- B12. Opposite Season Thermal Performance Verification Test (Optional)
- Informative Appendix C: System Effect [Go to Page]
- C1. System Effect Factors [Go to Page]
- C1.1 Fan Inlet Conditions. Fan inlet swirl, nonuniform flow, a restricted fan inlet, or restrictions caused by a plenum or cabinet will decrease the usable performance of a fan and must be considered as a system effect when determining system charact...
- C1.2 Fan Discharge Conditions. Fans intended primarily for use with duct systems are tested with an outlet duct, but this must be confirmed by the system designer. If information is not available, assume that the fans were rated with only an outlet duct
- C1.3 Ductwork System Losses. Turbulence brought about by a change in airflow direction or velocity creates a pressure loss that is added to the friction loss that occurs in a steady flow through a similar length of straight duct having a uniform cros...
- C2. Example (System Effect Factor) [Go to Page]
- C2.1 Imperial System of Units (I-P). An average low-pressure duct system might be designed to develop a velocity of 2000 ft/min at 2.5 in. of water total pressure in the main supply duct leaving the fan. Find the pressure loss of the fitting found in...
- C2.2 International System of Units (SI). An average low-pressure duct system might be designed to develop a velocity of 10.8 m/s at 750 Pa total pressure in the main supply duct leaving the fan. Find the pressure loss of the fitting found in Figure C...
- C3. Example (Duct Leakage)
- Informative Appendix D: Air Measurements [Go to Page]
- D1. Determination of the Density of Air, General Case [Go to Page]
- D1.1 Example. The conditions that exist at the inlet of a fan that is not ducted on the inlet side are td1 = 78°F and tw1 = 62°F. Since the inlet of the fan is not ducted, Ps1 = 0 and P1 (absolute pressure) = Pb. The barometric pressure, Pb, measur...
- D1.2 Example. The conditions at a fan inlet located at an elevation of 1000 ft above sea level are Ps1 = –3.45 in. of water, tdl = 85°F, and twl = 75°F. Barometric pressure data obtained from a nearby airport are 29.82 in. of mercury at sea level.
- D1.3 Example. It is recommended that the use of the calculation procedure that is based on perfect gas relationships and illustrated in this example be limited to instances in which the dry-bulb temperature is 180°F db and 18°F wb. Accurate wet-bul...
- D2. Determination of the Density of Air, Special Cases [Go to Page]
- D2.1 Example. Dry air is entering a fan inlet located at an elevation of 1000 ft above sea level. The pressure and temperature at the inlet are Psl = –15 in. of water and tdl = 95°F. Barometric pressure data obtained from a nearby airport are 29.2...
- D2.2 Example. Saturated air is entering a fan inlet located at an elevation of 1500 ft above sea level. The pressure and temperature at the inlet are Ps1 = –6.75 in. of water and tdl = 103°F. Barometric pressure data obtained from a nearby airport...
- D3. Phase Current Method for Estimating the Power Output of Three Phase Fan Motors [Go to Page]
- D3.1 Example. The power output of three-phase motors can be estimated based on the relationship of motor current and motor power output. The nature of this relationship is illustrated for a number of motors covering a wide range of horsepower ratings...
- D4. Determination of Airflow Rates at Cooling and Heating Coils
- Informative Appendix E: Pumps [Go to Page]
- E1. Pumps [Go to Page]
- E1.1 Pump Equations
- E1.2 Hydronic Equivalents (SI)
- E1.3 Pump Curves
- E1.4 Pump Head Definitions. The term “head” by itself is misleading. It is commonly taken to mean the difference in elevation between the suction level and the discharge level of the liquid being pumped. Although this is partially correct, it doe...
- E1.5 Pump Head Equations. The term “head” is usually expressed in feet (ft), and pressure is usually expressed in pounds per square inch (psi). Often, the suction lift is expressed in in. of vacuum or in. of mercury.
- E1.6 Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH). NPSH combines all of the factors limiting the suction side of a pump: internal pump losses, static suction lift, friction losses, vapor pressure, and atmospheric conditions. It is important to differentiate betw...
- E1.7 Pump Suction Limitations
- E2. Pump Performance [Go to Page]
- E2.1 Pump Capacity
- E2.2 System Curves
- Informative Appendix F: Instrumentation [Go to Page]
- F1. Inclined and Combination Vertical-Inclined Manometers
- F2. Pitot-Static Tube
- F3. Tachometers
- F4. Clamp-On Volt-Ammeter
- F5. Revolving Vane or Propeller Anemometer (Mechanical Type and Digital Type)
- F6. Thermal Anemometer—Single Point
- F7. Dial Thermometers
- F8. Digital Electronic Thermometer
- F9. Pyrometers
- F10. Calibrated Pressure Gage
- F11. Differential Pressure Gage
- F12. Differential Pressure Manifold Gage
- F13. Revolution Counter (Odometer) and Timing Device
- F14. Electronic Tachometer (Stroboscope and Photoelectric)
- F15. Dual-Function Tachometer
- F16. Low-Density Fluid U-Tube Manometer
- F17. Diaphragm-Type Differential Pressure Gage
- F18. Smoke Devices
- F19. Flow Measuring Hoods
- F20. Micromanometer (Hook Gage)
- F21. Double Reverse Tube
- F22. Clamp-On AC Power Meter (Wattmeter)
- F23. Recording Instruments
- F24. Humidity Measuring Devices
- F25. Barometer
- F26. Fluid System Digital Electronic Differential Pressure Meters
- F27. Electronic Differential Pressure Meters
- F28. Ultrasonic Flowmeters
- F29. Turbine Flowmeters
- F30. Multifunction Portable Instruments
- F31. Deflecting Vane Anemometer
- Informative Appendix G: Flow Measuring Stations [Go to Page]
- G1. Airflow Measuring Stations—Velocity Pressure (See Figure G-1) [Go to Page]
- G1.1 Description. A measuring device to obtain velocity pressure measurements should be a pitot-static tube and manometer. Refer to Section 5, “Air System Measurements.”
- G1.2 Recommended Uses. An airflow measuring station should be located in the main duct to measure the fan total airflow, and in branch ducts to measure the distribution of the air. Other useful locations for measurement are outdoor air ducts and reli...
- G1.3 Requirements. An airflow measuring station must have turbulent-free airflow at the plane of measurement. Temperature, dust, moisture, or gas products may limit the use of airflow measuring stations and a standard pitot-static tube and/or other m...
- G1.4 Accuracy of Field Measurements. A velocity pressure airflow measuring station should produce an accuracy of ±5% plus the error rate of the pressure sensor when ideal conditions are available. Due to their sensitivity to disturbances and duct co...
- G2. Airflow Measuring Stations—Thermal Dispersion Array [Go to Page]
- G2.1 Description. The device obtains velocity measurements directly using independent measurement points in a fixed array prior to averaging. Refer to Section 5, “Air System Measurements.”
- G2.2 Recommended Uses. Thermal dispersion arrays are generally used for
- G2.3 Accuracy of Field Measurements. A thermal dispersion airflow measuring array should produce an accuracy of ± 3% of reading when placement is within the manufacturer’s guidelines.
- Informative Appendix H: Air Balancing Devices [Go to Page]
- H1. Applications
- H2. Recommendations
- Informative Appendix I: Hydronic Balancing and Measurement Stations [Go to Page]
- I1. Hydronic Balancing Station [Go to Page]
- I1.1 A balancing station comprises a measuring device and a device to adjust the path resistance. A measuring station comprises a flow measuring device only. Flow measuring devices should be properly installed with the recommended unobstructed straig...
- I1.2 The following are principal types of liquid flow measurement devices:
- I1.3 Adjusting Devices. An adjusting device is a throttling valve with a maximum open position adjustment limit. The device may be used as a service (shut-off) valve and contain other functions. The device should have calibrated scales for adjustment...
- I1.4 Balancing Devices. A balancing device combines measurement and adjustment functions in one self- contained unit per the following subsections.
- I1.5 Balancing Device Flow Coefficient Cv (Flow Coefficient). Cv establishes the relationship between pressure drop and control device maximum flow rate. Cv defines the flow in U.S. gallons per minute for standard water at a maintained differential o...
- I2. Recommended Locations and Requirements [Go to Page]
- I2.1 Hydronic flow measuring and balancing station locations (See Figure I-1) are as follows.
- I2.2 Requirements imposed by construction, capacity and space are as follows.
- I3. Accuracy
- Informative Appendix J: Comments on Testing and Balancing of Pumped Hydronic HVAC Systems and Variable-Speed-Pumped Systems [Go to Page]
- J1. Hydronically Balance
- J2. Simplified Method of Analysis
- J3. Control Valve Authority
- J4. Variable-Speed-Control Effects on Hydronic Balancing
- J5. Variable-Speed-Pump Balancing Methodologies [Go to Page]
- J5.1 Full-Load Pumps, No Diversity
- J5.2 Partial Block Load Pumps, (Diversity). By definition, the connected terminal flow loads are greater than the pump capacity to provide water. The only way to get partial water flow to all of the terminals at once is to have all control valves ope...
- J6. Final Comments [Go to Page]