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ASCE/SEI 8-22:Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members, 2023
- Specification for theDesign of Cold-FormedStainless SteelStructural Members
- Chapter 1: General Provisions [Go to Page]
- 1.1 Scope, Applicability, and Definitions [Go to Page]
- 1.1.1 Scope
- 1.1.2 Applicability
- 1.1.3 Definitions
- Stainless Steel Specific Terms
- General Terms
- ASD and LRFD Terms
- 1.1.4 Units of Symbols and Terms
- 1.2 Reference SPECIFICATIONS and Standards
- 1.3 Material [Go to Page]
- 1.3.1 Standards and Codes for Specifying Stainless Steels
- Applicable Stainless Steel Alloys
- Applicable Standards for Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip
- Finish
- Welding
- Mechanical Assemblies
- 1.3.2 Other Stainless Steels
- Ductility
- 1.3.3 Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation
- 1.3.4 Corrosion Performance
- Service Environment Assessment
- Minimum Specification Requirements to Avoid Corrosion Failure
- Galvanic Corrosion
- Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking
- Crevice Corrosion
- Salt or Brackish Water Immersion
- 1.3.5 Yield Stress and Strength Increase from Cold Work of Forming
- Yield Stress
- Strength Increase from Cold Work of Forming
- Chapter 2: Design Requirements [Go to Page]
- 2.1 General Provisions
- 2.2 Loads and Load Combinations
- 2.3 Design Basis [Go to Page]
- 2.3.1 Required Strength
- 2.3.2 Design for Strength
- Allowable Strength Design Requirements
- Load and Resistance Factor Design Requirements
- 2.3.3 Design for Structural Members
- 2.3.4 Design for Connections
- Design for Anchorage to Concrete
- 2.3.5 Design for Stability
- 2.3.6 Design for Serviceability
- 2.3.7 Design for Fatigue
- 2.3.8 Design for Corrosion Effects
- 2.4 Dimensional Limits and Considerations [Go to Page]
- 2.4.1 Limitations for Use of the Effective Width Method or the Direct Strength Method
- 2.4.2 Members Falling Outside of the Applicability Limits
- 2.5 Member Properties
- 2.6 Material Properties
- 2.7 Quality Control and Quality Assurance [Go to Page]
- 2.7.1 Delivered Minimum Thickness
- Chapter 3: Design for Stability [Go to Page]
- 3.1 Design for System Stability [Go to Page]
- 3.1.1 Direct Analysis Method Using Rigorous Second-Order Elastic Analysis
- Determination of Required Strengths
- Analysis
- Consideration of Initial Imperfections
- Modification of Section Stiffness
- Determination of Available Strengths
- 3.1.2 Direct Analysis Method Using Amplified First-Order Elastic Analysis
- Determination of Required Strengths
- Analysis
- Consideration of Initial Imperfections
- Modification of Section Stiffness
- Determination of Available Strengths
- 3.1.3 Effective Length Method
- Determination of Required Strengths
- Analysis
- Consideration of Initial Imperfections
- Determination of Available Strengths
- 3.2 Member Bracing [Go to Page]
- 3.2.1 Bracing of Axially Loaded Compression Members
- 3.2.2 Bracing of Flexural Members
- Neither Flange Connected to Sheathing that Contributes to the Strength and Stability of the C- or Z-Section
- Chapter 4: Members in Tension [Go to Page]
- 4.1 General Requirements
- 4.2 Yielding of Gross Section [Go to Page]
- 4.2.1 Initiation of Yielding
- 4.2.2 Inelastic Reserve Strength
- 4.3 Rupture of Net Section
- Chapter 5: Members in Compression [Go to Page]
- 5.1 General Requirements
- 5.2 Yielding and Global (Flexural, Flexural-Torsional, and Torsional) Buckling [Go to Page]
- 5.2.1 Sections Not Subject to Torsional or Flexural-Torsional Buckling
- 5.2.2 Singly Symmetric Sections Subject to Flexural-Torsional Buckling
- 5.2.3 Doubly or Point Symmetric Sections
- 5.2.4 Nonsymmetric Sections
- 5.3 Local Buckling Interacting With Yielding and Global Buckling [Go to Page]
- 5.3.1 Effective Width Method
- Members without Holes
- Members with Holes
- 5.3.2 Direct Strength Method
- Members without Holes
- Members with Holes
- 5.3.3 Closed Cylindrical Tubular Sections
- 5.4 Distortional Buckling [Go to Page]
- 5.4.1 Members without Holes
- 5.4.2 Members with Holes
- Chapter 6: Members in Flexure [Go to Page]
- 6.1 General Requirements
- 6.2 Yielding and Global (Lateral-Torsional) Buckling [Go to Page]
- 6.2.1 Initiation of Yielding and Global Buckling Strength
- Open Sections Bending About Symmetric Axis
- Open Sections Bending About Nonsymmetric Principal Axis
- Open Point Symmetric Sections
- Closed Box Sections
- Closed Cylindrical Tubular Sections
- 6.2.2 Inelastic Reserve Strength
- 6.3 Local Buckling Interacting with Yielding and Global Buckling [Go to Page]
- 6.3.1 Effective Width Method
- Members without Holes
- Members with Holes
- 6.3.2 Direct Strength Method
- Members without Holes
- Members with Holes
- Members Considering Local Inelastic Reserve Strength
- 6.3.3 Closed Cylindrical Tubular Sections
- 6.4 Distortional Buckling [Go to Page]
- 6.4.1 Members without Holes
- 6.4.2 Members with Holes
- 6.4.3 Members Considering Distortional Inelastic Reserve Strength
- Chapter 7: Members in Shear and Web Crippling [Go to Page]
- 7.1 General Requirements
- 7.2 Shear Strength of Webs without Holes [Go to Page]
- 7.2.1 Flexural Members without Transverse Web Stiffeners
- 7.2.2 Flexural Members with Transverse Web Stiffeners
- 7.2.3 Web Elastic Shear Buckling Force, Vcr
- 7.3 Shear Strength of C-Section Webs with Holes
- 7.4 Transverse Web Stiffeners [Go to Page]
- 7.4.1 Conforming Transverse Web Stiffeners
- 7.4.2 Nonconforming Transverse Web Stiffeners
- 7.5 Web Crippling Strength of Webs without Holes
- 7.6 Web Crippling Strength of C-Section Webs with Holes
- 7.7 Bearing Stiffeners [Go to Page]
- 7.7.1 Compact Bearing Stiffeners
- 7.7.2 Stud and Track Type Bearing Stiffeners in C-Section Flexural Members
- 7.7.3 Nonconforming Stiffeners
- Chapter 8: Members Under Combined Forces [Go to Page]
- 8.1 Combined Axial Load and Bending [Go to Page]
- 8.1.1 Combined Tensile Axial Load and Bending
- 8.1.2 Combined Compressive Axial Load and Bending
- 8.2 Combined Bending and Shear
- 8.3 Combined Bending and Web Crippling
- 8.4 Combined Bending and Torsional Loading
- Chapter 9: Assemblies and Systems [Go to Page]
- 9.1 Built-Up Sections [Go to Page]
- 9.1.1 Flexural Members Composed of Two Back-to-Back C-Sections
- 9.1.2 Compression Members Composed of Two Sections in Contact
- 9.1.3 Spacing of Connections in Cover-Plated Sections
- 9.2 Systems with Mixed Materials
- Chapter 10: Connections and Joints [Go to Page]
- 10.1 General Provisions
- 10.2 Welded Connections [Go to Page]
- 10.2.1 Groove Welds in Butt Joints
- 10.2.2 Arc Spot Welds
- Minimum Edge and End Distance
- Shear
- Shear Strength for Sheet(s) Welded to a Thicker Supporting Member
- Shear Strength for Sheet-to-Sheet Connections
- Tension
- Combined Shear and Tension on an Arc Spot Weld
- 10.2.3 Arc Seam Welds
- Minimum Edge and End Distance
- Shear
- Shear Strength for Sheet(s) Welded to a Thicker Supporting Member
- Shear Strength for Sheet-to-Sheet Connections
- 10.2.4 Top Arc Seam Sidelap Welds
- Shear Strength of Top Arc Seam Sidelap Welds
- 10.2.5 Fillet Welds
- 10.2.6 Flare Groove Welds
- 10.2.7 Resistance Welds
- 10.3 Bolted Connections [Go to Page]
- 10.3.1 Minimum Spacing
- 10.3.2 Minimum Edge and End Distances
- 10.3.3 Bearing
- Bearing Strength without Consideration of Bolt Hole Deformation
- Bearing Strength with Consideration of Bolt Hole Deformation
- 10.3.4 Shear and Tension in Stainless Steel Bolts
- 10.4 Screw Connections [Go to Page]
- 10.4.1 Minimum Spacing
- 10.4.2 Minimum Edge and End Distances
- 10.4.3 Shear
- Shear Strength Limited by Tilting and Bearing
- Shear in Screws
- 10.4.4 Tension
- Pull-Out Strength
- Pull-Over Strength
- Tension in Screws
- 10.4.5 Combined Shear and Tension
- Combined Shear and Pull-Over
- Combined Shear and Pull-Out
- Combined Shear and Tension in Screws
- 10.5 Rupture [Go to Page]
- 10.5.1 Shear Rupture
- 10.5.2 Tension Rupture
- 10.5.3 Block Shear Rupture
- Chapter 11: Strength for Special Cases [Go to Page]
- 11.1 Test Standards
- 11.2 Tests for Special Cases [Go to Page]
- 11.2.1 Tests for Determining Structural Performance
- Load and Resistance Factor Design and Limit States Design
- Allowable Strength Design
- 11.2.2 Tests for Confirming Structural Performance
- 11.2.3 Tests for Determining Mechanical Properties
- Full Section
- Flat Elements of Formed Sections
- Virgin Stainless Steel
- Determination of Stress-Strain Relationships
- Chapter 12: Design for Serviceability [Go to Page]
- 12.1 Serviceability Determination for the Effective Width Method
- 12.2 Serviceability Determination for the Direct Strength Method
- 12.3 Flange Curling
- 12.4 Section Distortion [Go to Page]
- 12.4.1 Local Buckling
- 12.4.2 Distortional Buckling
- Chapter 13: Design for Fatigue [Go to Page]
- 13.1 General
- 13.2 Calculation of Maximum Stresses and Stress Ranges
- 13.3 Design Stress Range
- 13.4 Bolts and Threaded Parts
- 13.5 Special Fabrication Requirements
- Appendix A: Effective Width of Elements [Go to Page]
- A1 Effective Width of Stiffened Elements [Go to Page]
- A1.1 Uniformly Compressed Stiffened Elements with Circular or Noncircular Holes
- A1.2 Webs and Other Stiffened Elements Under Stress Gradient
- A1.3 C-Section Webs with Holes Under Stress Gradient
- A1.4 Uniformly Compressed Elements Restrained by Intermittent Connections
- A2 Effective Width of Unstiffened Elements [Go to Page]
- A2.1 Uniformly Compressed Unstiffened Elements
- A2.2 Unstiffened Elements and Edge Stiffeners with Stress Gradient
- A3 Effective Width of Uniformly Compressed Elements with a Simple Lip Edge Stiffener
- A4 Effective Width of Stiffened Elements with Single or Multiple Intermediate Stiffeners or Edge-Stiffened Elements with Intermediate Stiffener(s) [Go to Page]
- A4.1 Effective Width of Uniformly Compressed Stiffened Elements with Single or Multiple Intermediate Stiffeners
- A4.1.1 Specific Case: Single or n Identical Stiffeners, Equally Spaced
- A4.1.2 General Case: Arbitrary Stiffener Size, Location, and Number
- A4.2 Edge-Stiffened Elements with Intermediate Stiffener(s)
- Appendix B: Elastic Buckling Analysis of Members [Go to Page]
- B1 General Provisions
- B2 Numerical Solutions
- B3 Analytical Solutions [Go to Page]
- B3.1 Members Subject to Compression
- B3.1.1 Global Buckling (Fcre, Pcre)
- B3.1.2 Local Buckling (Fcrℓ, Pcrℓ)
- B3.1.3 Distortional Buckling (Fcrd, Pcrd)
- B3.2 Members with Holes Subject to Compression
- B3.2.1 Global Buckling (Fcre, Pcre) for Members with Holes
- B3.2.1.1 Sections with Holes Not Subject to Torsional or Flexural-Torsional Buckling
- B3.2.1.2 Singly Symmetric Sections (with Holes) Subject to Flexural-Torsional Buckling
- B3.2.1.3 Doubly Symmetric or Point Symmetric Sections with Holes
- B3.2.1.4 Nonsymmetric Sections with Holes
- B3.2.2 Local Buckling (Fcrℓ, Pcrℓ) for Members with Holes
- B3.2.3 Distortional Buckling (Fcrd, Pcrd) for Members with Holes
- B3.3 Members Subject to Flexure
- B3.3.1 Global Buckling (Fcre, Mcre)
- B3.3.2 Local Buckling (Fcrℓ, Mcrℓ)
- B3.3.3 Distortional Buckling (Fcrd, Mcrd)
- B3.4 Members with Holes Subject to Flexure
- B3.4.1 Global Buckling (Fcre, Mcre) for Members with Holes
- B3.4.1.1 Open Sections (with Holes) Bending About Symmetric Axis
- B3.4.1.2 Open Point Symmetric Sections with Holes
- B3.4.1.3 Closed Box Section with Holes
- B3.4.2 Local Buckling (Fcrℓ, Mcrℓ) for Members with Holes
- B3.4.3 Distortional Buckling (Fcrd, Mcrd) for Members with Holes
- B3.5 Shear Buckling (Vcr)
- Appendix C: Material Properties [Go to Page]
- C1 Mechanical properties
- C2 Material Behavior [Go to Page]
- C2.1 Stress-Strain Behavior
- C2.2 Tangent Modulus
- C2.3 Secant Modulus
- C2.4 Effective Proportional Limit-to-Yield Strength
- Chapter C1: General Provisions [Go to Page]
- C1.1 Scope, Applicability, and Definitions [Go to Page]
- C1.1.1 Scope
- C1.1.2 Applicability
- C1.1.3 Definitions
- C1.1.4 Units of Symbols and Terms
- C1.2 Reference Codes and Standards
- C1.3 Material [Go to Page]
- C1.3.1.4 Welding
- C1.3.1.5 Mechanical Assemblies
- C1.3.2 Other Stainless Steels
- C1.3.2.1 Ductility
- C1.3.3 Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation
- C1.3.4 Corrosion Performance
- C1.3.4.1 Service Environment Assessment
- C1.3.4.2 Minimum Specification Requirements to Avoid Corrosion Failure
- C1. Galvanic Corrosion
- C1. Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking
- C1. Crevice Corrosion
- C1. Salt or Brackish Water Immersion
- C1.3.5 Yield Stress and Strength Increase from Cold Work of Forming
- C1.3.5.1 Yield Stress
- C1.3.5.2 Strength Increase from Cold Work of Forming
- Chapter C2: Design Requirements [Go to Page]
- C2.1 General Provisions
- C2.2 Loads and Load Combinations
- C2.3 Design Basis [Go to Page]
- C2.3.1 Required Strength
- C2.3.2 Design for Strength
- C2.3.3 Design for Structural Members
- C2.3.4 Design for Connections
- C2.3.5 Design for Stability
- C2.3.6 Design for Serviceability
- C2.3.7 Design for Fatigue
- C2.3.8 Design for Corrosion Effects
- C2.4 Dimensional Limits and Considerations [Go to Page]
- C2.4.1 Limitations for Use of the Effective Width Method or the Direct Strength Method
- C2.4.2 Members Falling Outside the Applicability Limits
- C2.5 Member Properties
- C2.6 Material Properties
- C2.7 Quality Control and Quality Assurance [Go to Page]
- C2.7.1 Delivered Minimum Thickness
- Chapter C3: Design for Stability [Go to Page]
- C3.1 Design for System Stability [Go to Page]
- C3. Consideration of Initial Imperfections
- C3. Modification of Section Stiffness
- Chapter C4: Members in Tension
- Chapter C5: Members in Compression [Go to Page]
- C5.2 Yielding and Global (Flexural, Flexural-Torsional, and Torsional) Buckling
- C5.3 Local Buckling Interacting With Yielding and Global Buckling [Go to Page]
- C5.3.1 Effective Width Method
- C5.3.2 Direct Strength Method
- C5.3.3 Closed Cylindrical Tubular Sections
- C5.4 Distortional Buckling
- Chapter C6: Members in Flexure [Go to Page]
- C6.2 Yielding and Global (Lateral-Torsional) Buckling [Go to Page]
- C6.2.1 Initiation of Yielding and Global Buckling Strength
- C6.2.1.4 Closed Box Sections
- C6.2.1.5 Closed Cylindrical Tubular Sections
- C6.2.2 Inelastic Reserve Strength
- C6.3 Local Buckling Interacting With Yielding and Global Buckling [Go to Page]
- C6.3.1 Effective Width Method
- C6.3.2 Direct Strength Method
- C6.3.2.3 Members Considering Local Inelastic Reserve Strength
- C6.3.3 Closed Cylindrical Tubular Sections
- C6.4 Distortional Buckling
- Chapter C7: Members in Shear and Web Crippling [Go to Page]
- C7.2 Shear Strength of Webs Without Holes [Go to Page]
- C7.2.1 Flexural Members without Transverse Web Stiffeners
- C7.2.2 Flexural Members with Transverse Web Stiffeners
- C7.3 Shear Strength of C-Section Webs With Holes
- C7.4 Transverse Web Stiffeners [Go to Page]
- C7.4.1 Conforming Transverse Web Stiffeners
- C7.5 Web Crippling Strength of Webs Without Holes
- C7.6 Web Crippling Strength of C-Section Webs With Holes
- C7.7 Bearing Stiffeners
- Chapter C8: Members Under Combined Forces [Go to Page]
- C8.1 Combined Axial Load and Bending
- C8.2 Combined Bending and Shear
- C8.3 Combined Bending and Web Crippling
- C8.4 Combined Bending and Torsional Loading
- Chapter C9: Assemblies and Systems [Go to Page]
- C9.1 Built-Up Sections [Go to Page]
- C9.1.1 Flexural Members Composed of Two Back-to-Back C-Sections
- C9.1.2 Compression Members Composed of Two Sections in Contact
- C9.1.3 Spacing of Connections in Cover-Plated Sections
- C9.2 Systems with Mixed Materials
- Chapter C10: Connections and Joints [Go to Page]
- C10.2 Welded Connections [Go to Page]
- C10.2.1 Groove Welds in Butt Joints
- C10.2.2 Arc Spot Welds
- C10.2.2.2 Shear
- C10. Shear Strength for Sheet(s) Welded to a Thicker Supporting Member
- C10. Shear Strength for Sheet-to-Sheet Connections
- C10.2.2.3 Tension
- C10.2.2.4 Combined Shear and Tension on an Arc Spot Weld
- C10.2.3 Arc Seam Welds
- C10. Shear Strength for Sheet(s) Welded to a Thicker Supporting Member
- C10. Shear Strength for Sheet-to-Sheet Connections
- C10.2.4 Top Arc Seam Sidelap Welds
- C10.2.4.1 Shear Strength of Top Arc Seam Sidelap Welds
- C10.2.5 Fillet Welds
- C10.2.6 Flare Groove Welds
- C10.2.7 Resistance Welds
- C10.3 Bolted Connections [Go to Page]
- C10.3.3 Bearing
- C10.3.3.1 Bearing Strength without Consideration of Bolt Hole Deformation
- C10.3.3.2 Bearing Strength with Consideration of Bolt Hole Deformation
- C10.3.4 Shear and Tension in Stainless Steel Bolts
- C10.4 Screw Connections
- C10.5 Rupture
- Chapter C11: Strength for Special Cases [Go to Page]
- C11.1 Test Standards
- C11.2 Tests for Special Cases [Go to Page]
- C11.2.1.1 Load and Resistance Factor Design and Limit States Design
- C11.2.1.2 Allowable Strength Design
- C11.2.2 Tests for Confirming Structural Performance
- C11.2.3 Tests for Determining Mechanical Properties
- Chapter C12: Design for Serviceability [Go to Page]
- C12.1 Serviceability Determination for the Effective Width Method
- C12.2 Serviceability Determination for the Direct Strength Method
- C12.3 Flange Curling
- C12.4 Section Distortion
- Chapter C13: Design for Fatigue [Go to Page]
- C13.1 General
- C13.4 Bolts and Threaded Parts
- C13.5 Special Fabrication Requirements
- Appendix CA: Effective Width of Elements
- Appendix CB: Elastic Buckling Analysis of Members
- Appendix CC: Material Properties [Go to Page]
- CC1 Mechanical properties
- CC2 Material Behavior
- Index_online.pdf
- INDEX [Go to Page]