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  • BSI
    BS 3762-3.1:1990, ISO 2271:1989 Analysis of formulated detergents - Quantitative test methods - Method for determination of anionic-active matter content
    Edition: 1990
    / user per year

Description of BS 3762-3.1:1990 1990

This International Standard specifies a manual or mechanical method for the determination of anionic-active matter present in detergents.

The method is applicable to solids or to aqueous solutions of the active material. The relative molecular mass of the anionic active matter has to be known.

The method is not applicable if cationic surface active agents are present.

The manual method is thus applicable to the determination of alkylbenzene sulfonates; alkane sulfonates, sulfates and hydroxysulfates; alkylphenol sulfates; fatty alcohol methoxy- and ethoxysulfates; dialkylsulfosuccinates and other active materials containing one hydrophilic group per molecule.

The mechanical method is applicable to all the above mentioned products provided it gives results comparable with those obtained using the manual method.

NOTE Low relative molecular mass sulfonates present as hydrotropes (toluene, xylene) do not interfere when present in concentrations of up to 15 % (m/m) relative to the active matter. At higher levels, their influence should be evaluated in each particular case.

Soap, urea and salts of (ethylenedinitrilo)tetraacetic acid do not interfere.

In the presence of non-ionic surface agents, their influence should be evaluated in each particular case.

Typical inorganic components of detergent formulations, such as sodium chloride, sulfates, borates, tripolyphosphates, perborates, silicates, etc., do not interfere, but bleaching agents other than perborate should be destroyed before the analysis, and the sample should be completely soluble in water.

Direct two-phase titration method, manual or mechanical.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.